When you start building your signup form, it’s important to consider how you plan to personalize your on-site experience. A well-designed signup form can help you capture important data from your website visitors, such as their opt-in permission to your SMS program, an email address to grow your marketing list, and other personal information like their name and address.
In your signup form, form fields are the questions that make up your form and allow you to capture information from site visitors. There are two types of form fields available in the Form Builder: standard fields and custom fields. We’ll first review how you can customize your form with standard fields.
This article will cover:
- Standard field types
- Adding a field, field names, and editing a field’s display options
- Removing a field
- Standard fields descriptions
Standard Field Types
Standard fields are the questions and content that are commonly included in signup forms and capture basic information from your site visitors. Standard fields include:
- Mobile phone number (required for all forms)
- Email address
- First name
- Last name
- Birthday
- City
- State
- Postal/ ZIP code
See more information about each field type and its respective formats.
Add Standard Fields
To add a field to your form:
- Navigate to the Setup and Fields tab. On the bottom of the left panel in the editor, select Add Field. Select which standard field you want to add to your form.
- Then, drag and drop the field block into the Form Page block above. The form preview on the right will automatically update to show where the field is placed in your form. Fields can be placed above or below other field blocks.
- To customize the order of your questions, drag and drop field blocks to reorder your form fields within a form page or to place the field on another page.
NOTE: by default, the mobile field is required for form submissions to capture compliant SMS contacts. The mobile phone field cannot be removed from the form; however, you may move the mobile phone field block between different form pages.
When a user enters a number using the mobile phone field, DojoMojo will check if a phone number is a valid U.S.-based mobile phone number before allowing a user to submit a form.
Edit a Standard Field’s Display Options
Click on the pencil icon to edit a field’s display option. When you add a field to your signup form, each field will have a field name and a display name.
Field Name
The field name is a label that appears internally – it is used as the label at the top of the column to organize your data in your audience reports. The field name is only visible to form editors and will never be shown to your subscribers.
For standard fields, the field name is hidden and cannot be customized. For example, a first name field has the hidden field name "First Name." Information submitted in this field will be reported as the "First Name" in reports.
NOTE: The field names for standard forms are locked and cannot be changed. You can use a custom text field to use a unique field name.
Display Name
The display name is the text that users, such as your customers and site visitors, will see on your live form.
You can update and customize the displayed text once the field has been added to your form. Open the field's settings and update the display name. Close out of the field's settings to see the changes reflected in the right-hand preview.
Remove Standard Fields
To remove a standard field from your form, return to your form Setup and Fields tab, and click the trashcan icon .
Standard Field Descriptions
The Form Builder contains the default fields shown here.
Standard Field Type |
Field Name
Description |
Mobile phone field | Mobile Phone |
Used to collect the cell phone numbers from customers so you can grow your SMS marketing list. The phone field automatically formats the number to the ten-digit format: (###) ###-####.
Currently, the mobile phone number field will only collect and is formatted to United States 10-digit phone numbers as DojoMojo’s SMS Marketing Suite only supports text messaging to mobile contacts based in the U.S. |
Email address field | Email Address |
Email fields look and act the same as text fields, except users must enter a valid email address when filling out the form. The email address field is optional. When you add an email address field and integrate your email service provider (ESP) with DojoMojo’s form builder, newly acquired email contacts are automatically sent to your ESP. |
First name field | First Name | Easily collect the name of the person filling out your form with the first name field. The first name field is optional and is a text field with a prefixed internal field name. You can also use a text field to capture a user’s name. |
Last name field | Last Name | Just like the first name field, you can separately collect the last name of the person filling out your form. Likewise, the last name field is optional and is a text field with a prefixed internal field name. You can also use a text field to capture a user’s name. |
Birthday field | Birthday | The birthday field is a way for you to capture key dates from your leads. The birthday field is optional and is a date field with a prefixed internal field name. Birthday fields are automatically formatted to: ##/##/####. |
City field | City | Use the city field to capture part of an address from users. The city field is a text field with a prefixed internal field name. |
State field | State | You can collect more address information from users by adding a state field to your form. A state field is a text field with a prefixed internal field name. |
Zip Code field | Zip Code | The zip code field is a way for you to capture the postal code from your customers so you can view precisely where customers are based. The zip code field is a text field except users must enter a five-digit format: #####. |
To capture non-standard and custom information from your website visitors, learn how to add custom fields to your signup form.