Hosting Basics
Build your Giveaway
- Create a Sweepstakes
- Design and Customize your Landing Page
- Conversion Actions: Maximize Post-Entry
- Set up Social Growth (Host)
- Landing Page Image Guidelines
- Create Official Rules with DojoMojo's Template
Work with Partners
- Split Traffic, Not Your Partnership
- Invite Potential Partners to Join your Campaign
- Create a Partnership Agreement
- Review Applications to your Campaign
- Send a Campaign Announcement
- Ensure an equitable partnership with Minimum Entry Requirements
Launch and Promote your Giveaway
Pick a Winner and Distribute Prizing
Advanced Customization
- What background image format and quality work best?
- Is there any way to set the height of the background image to 100%?
- How do I prevent the background image from scrolling along with the content?
- Can I change my brand's logo on my campaign?
- Why do I only see my logo?
- What logo image format works best?